Центр морских исследований МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова ЦМИ МГУ
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XXXIII Морской семинар

Центр морских исследований МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова возобновляет цикл Морских семинаров. Морские семинары — это серия научно-популярных лекций от ведущих ученых биологов, географов, геологов! Откроет новый сезон совместный семинар Беломорской биологической станции им. Н.А.Перцова  и ЦМИ МГУ. 

Название семинара — «Why 21st century marine stations are essential to address societal challenges».

Лектор — Dr Matthew Frost is Deputy Director of the Marine Biological Association where he also holds the  position of Head of Policy and Knowledge Exchange, with particular responsibility for the Association as a national and international Membership organisation. Matt is also President of the European Network of Marine Research Institutes and Stations (MARS) and as such promotes the importance of marine stations in Europe with a current focus on establishing a World Association of Marine Stations (WAMS).

Аннотация лекции:

Why 21st century marine stations are essential to address societal challenges.

There is a huge effort at the global level to ensure that society can meet challenges ranging from the Climate Emergency to ensuring sustainable use of our oceans as articulated in Sustainable Development Goal 14. The United Nations has proclaimed a Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) in order to facilities meeting these challenges.

A key element in achieving these ambitions will be to better utilise the resource of the hundreds of marine field stations located around the world’s coastlines. These stations continue to be instrumental for fundamental marine science research as well as playing pivotal roles in public engagement and knowledge transfer to policy-makers. Many of the world’s most important marine time-series are also maintained by marine stations with long-term biological observations being vital for addressing some of society’s most important issues.

This talk highlights the importance of marine stations and sustained observations and puts forwards ideas for ensuring they are recognised as a vital long-term resource for policy-makers and wider society.

Лекция будет проходить на английском языке. 

Семинар пройдёт 7 ноября (четверг) в 18:30 в здании Научного парка МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова (ул. Ленинские горы, дом 1, стро­ение 77).

Для участия в семинаре просим Вас заполнить по ссылке краткую форму. 

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