Морской семинар: специальный выпуск
Спешим сообщить Вам о проведении дополнительного семинара на тему: Mud volcanism and thermal structure in the western Mediterranean Ridge Accretionary Complex.
Лектор: Arata Kioka, Department of Ocean Floor Geosciences, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Язык семинара: английский
Место: Главное здание МГУ, 308 аудитория
Время: понедельник 16 марта, 17:00
Mud volcanism can be viewed as a natural window to explore subsurface geological processes including gas and oil reservoirs. The Mediterranean Ridge Accretionary Complex is well-known for numerous mud volcanoes, forming the mud diapiric belt. Here we present material cycling and fluid migration within the western Mediterranean Ridge. We show a possible ascent mechanism of the ejecta forming a mud volcano found in Médée Area of the western Mediterranean Ridge in the light of results from vitrinite reflectance and 2-D thermal modeling. Results reveal two-fold ascent mechanism: underplating and subsequent faulting.
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